The first step of my bridge brief is to spend some time researching bridges in the real world in order to get inspiration for my own. I searched the web for a selection if interesting bridges in both real life and popular media in order to get a handle on the scope of my brief.


This image of Rakotzbrucke Devil’s Bridge in Germany is an excellent example of a conventional bridge idea with an interesting twist. Though it’s construction is just a simple arch bridge of stone, the aesthetic of the bridge is incredibly distinct.

The stone arch forms a perfect circle with it’s reflection on the still water, alongside it’s walls almost resembling frozen sheet rain. These two elements come together to make the bridge look like something straight out of fantasy, despite being built in the 16th century.

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The Millennium Bridge in England is also a very unique take on a simple suspended bridge. It’s mechanism is of particular note, as the entire bridge rotates upwards to allow boats to pass underneath. Certainly a point of inspiration for any mechanical bridge ideas I decide to iterate upon.

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This footbridge in Amsterdam has a very unique and pleasing aesthetic. The use of flowing lines whilst still keeping structural integrity is unique, and definitely something I should consider in my own designs.

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This rope bridge may be very conventional, but the imagery it provokes is just as powerful as the other images I’ve chosen to showcase. The simple wood and rope of this bridge interacts with the dark, foggy environment to produce a haunting picture, and perhaps a simple concept of mine could well do the same.

Image result for bridge to asgard

For a much less conventional ‘bridge,’ the mythological Norse bridge ‘Bifrost’ that connects the mortal realm to Asgard is an excellent example of how a bridge does not necessarily have to follow the rules we’re usually accustomed to.

With all these ideas in mind, I now have plenty of inspiration to get started on my Silhouettes.